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Notable NPCs


Mwamuzi Gbele

human cold iron warden/sanctified slayer
Height: 5'5, Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: brown, Hair: black

            Short and barrel chested, with humorless dark eyes, Gbele would be considered to have a distinctive appearance in any crowd. Add in the fact that he is outfitted in the traditional warrior garb of the interior jungles of Chult, and he generally sticks out like a sore thumb in Tashluta.

            As a holy man of his people, Gbele insists on the honorific "Baba", meaning "Father" in Tabaxi. He is polite and respectful to a fault, and expects the same courtesy from others.

            Gbele has developed a calm focus even in the face of danger, earned through intense study and practice. He rarely makes mistakes out of panic, or acts impulsively. His demeanor can have a calming effect on others. Though not Lawful per se, Gbele has an intrinsic sense for fairness. He treats others fairly, to a fault, and expects the same from his companions.

            Gbele is as stubborn as a mule. He will rarely admit when he is wrong, even when it is objectively proveable that he is. Gbele is harsh and lacks empathy. He isn't cruel, but he is dispassionate and does not hesitate to use violence if he believes himself to be in the right.

Broken Tashalan (Common), Tabaxi

Special items:

Jabari Damarthe

human storm druid
Height: 6'0, Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: pale blue, Hair: black (bald)

            Average height, with a thin, athletic build. His naturally dark skin has been tanned an even deeper, richer brown by time in the sun. His entire body is covered in an intricate pattern of lines, dots, and geometric shapes- it must have taken weeks under a needle to achieve such a complete covering.

            While not a suli or planetouched, he must have an elemental ancestor somewhere in his makeup because his eyes are a pale, almost white blue and his black hair is tinged with blue. Wind constantly swirls around him, as well, making a constant, if slight, breeze around him even when he’s indoors or underground.

            In port he typically dresses in well made but not ostentatious clothing, while out at sea he prefers to shed most of his clothes in order to better feel the wind and the water on his skin.


  • Tashalan (Common)
  • Auran
  • Druidic
  • Terran

Special items:

Parant yn Parak el Mojal yi Manshaka

archon aasimar legendary shifter
Height: 5'10, Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Sapphire Blue with gold rims around pupils, Hair: dark brown

            Somewhat tall for a Calishite, standing just an inch or two below six feet, Parant el Mojal carries himself like the tiger whose colors he wears. His posture is erect, his movements easy and deliberate, speaking of quiet, understated power beneath his usual loose and flowing orange-and-black desert robes. A bandolier crosses his chest, overtop a braided-leather breastplate or vest of sorts. From his left hip hang two intricately carved wooden clubs, one carved to look like a crouching tiger, the other decorated with the image of a soaring eagle. In his clean-shaven, sun-colored face, beneath shoulder-length, dark brown hair, sit a pair of surprisingly sapphire-colored eyes, the pupils of which are ringed with gold. When in shadow, or under a raised hood, those eyes almost seem to glow with very faint golden light. Though he does not appear to be seeking attention, everything about how he stands speaks to something noble in this man’s blood. A close look at his right hand, and the worn-looking signet ring that rests there, would quietly confirm any such suspicions. If he is a noble, however, he does not seem to feel the need to announce it.

            Parant tends to take everything seriously. This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t smile, or can’t relax and have fun, just that he doesn’t do those things too often, and not if it’s not appropriate. His definition of what is appropriate may differ from that of others. Having once been responsible for ruling upon the laws of men in a corrupt city, Parant now follows a higher set of laws – those of Nature. While he doesn’t expect men to always abide by those Laws, he is constantly aware that there are consequences in store for those who flout them. Not a preacher or evangelist, Parant does not force his views upon others. He merely quietly notes what he sees. Where Jabari is concerned, Parant tends to act something like an exasperated older brother. He doesn’t fuss or fawn over his friend, but should anyone threaten (or appear to threaten) Jabari, Parant is quick to intervene, and he does not usually do so gently. Where anyone else is concerned, Parant tends to be quietly accepting and polite, if not overly friendly.

Tashalan (Common), Calishite Alzhedo, Celestial, Druidic, Sylvan

Special items:

The Saltwater Devil

human magus
Height: 5'6, Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: red, Hair: black

            The first thing anyone will notice about the Saltwater Devil is the ornate mask that conceals her face. Comprised of a strange black material, its features have been shaped to resemble a devil, with pointed ears and twisted horns. The second thing people usually notice about the Saltwater Devil is her weapon. Wielding a finely crafted cutlass, the blade is formed of the same substance as the mask. Whenever the magus casts a spell a pattern of blazing fire spreads both across both of these items.

            Beneath her mask the Saltwater Devil has glowing red eyes, long black hair, and chapped lips. Beyond that, little can be described, not even by the former pirate herself, for she has not gazed upon her own face in over 7 years. Her skin is fair but marked by her years spent at sea, the wind and sun having taken their toll. Her build is short and slight, though her arms and legs are not without muscle.

            The Saltwater Devil wears tall brown leather boots, black pants and a black shirt, all with gold trimmings. A crimson coat rests atop her armour, and a spellbook, component pouch and some daggers are attached to her belt. Although all of these items are of good quality, the fabric is faded and the leather is battered, as if everything has been worn for several years.

            The Saltwater Devil lives a solitary existence. Her mask and weapon draw attention wherever she travels, people always watching her with suspicion. The magus has long since grown used to their distrustful stares, and usually ignores how people treat her differently, though there are days when she struggles. Despite this, the Saltwater Devil projects confidence in everything she says and does.

            Because she is unable to rely on facial expressions, the Saltwater Devil often relies on body language and gestures to communicate effectively. During most conversations she comes across as very animated.

            The Saltwater Devil is benevolent. She is quick to defend others, especially against criminals, thieves, and pirates. She is often willing to go without payment, as long as she considers the cause to be just. She is also high-spirited, often telling jokes and stories in a deliberate attempt to raise the morale of those around her.

            The Saltwater Devil is under-educated. She was raised in a pirate port, and as such never attended school. Up until the last few years she was more comfortable drinking in a tavern than reading and writing. She is also ill-mannered. Growing up around the dregs of society, the former pirate is a little rough around the edges. She tends to be direct and doesn't waste her time and energy with pleasantries. She talks like a sailor and is proud of it.

Tashalan (Common), Infernal, Abyssal

Special items:

Sheilsirrol Marshash

human arcanist
Height: 5'4, Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: brown, Hair: flaming red

            Smudges on Shielsirroll’s face generally come from one of three sources: dirt from digging for lost artifacts, charcoal or ink from furious note-writing, or soot from the many fires she sets.

            Shiela has dyed her hair flaming red in deference to the elemental force most used in her craft. She dresses in whatever she finds most comfortable and functional for the situation, but generally with long sleeves to keep her fire ink tattoos hidden.

            Her pale skin reveals years spent inside a school but her frail form belies her courage and stubborness.

            Inquisitiveness, above all else, defines her personality. She is friendly, polite, brave and generous, but at the same time can be single-minded in purpose, leading her to inadvertantly ignore or even undermine her friends. She cannot stand seeing others mistreat the less forturnate, and will intervene when necessary.

            She speaks plainly, but she fills her language with esoteric and technical terminology when discussing a subject she’s intimately familiar with. Which is nearly everything. She doesn’t intentionally belittle others, but her natural genius and breadth of knowledge often offend those who take her as condescending. Her overconfidence ocassionally leads her into situations above her head.


  • Tashalan (Common),
  • Chondathan (native),
  • Calishite Alzhedo,
  • Draconic,
  • Dethek (Dwarven),
  • Espruar (Elven),
  • Ghukliak (Goblin)

Special items:

Syd Faeborn

elf acrobat
Height: 5', Weight: 85 lbs
Eyes: blue, Hair: blonde

            Syd is a thin and lanky elf, with longer-than-average limbs. It can come across as a bit unnerving at first. His long blonde hair is left a bit unruly most of the time, though he will tie it back when he needs it out of the way. His rapier hangs on his belt in easy reach, and he carries himself like a coiled spring as if continually ready to leap into action.

            Cautious and slow to trust due to the failure of his previous guild, Syd seeks somewhere to belong. Once he does trust, he is fiercely loyal. He's a city elf that feels uncomfortable in the wilderness, continually wishing for civil amenaties. Socially he is initially quiet, choosing to gauge the situation before engaging. Once he gets going, though, it is difficult to shut him up. Due to his cosmopolitan upbringing, he holds few prejudices. About the only people he is wary of is Drow.

Tashalan (Common), Elven, Calishite Alzhedo, Shaartan, Tabaxi

Special items:


Notable NPCs

Harbormaster and District Representative, Lord Keltar Islaran

The stern, strict and very sick Harbormaster is an old man with Calishite blood - and Talib's father. Bitter and furious that none of his children want to carry on his office, he had been obsessing over the problem for years, when he was brutally murdered in his bed one night - Keltar was found the day after telling Talib that he would be the next Harbormaster.

Only one of his children still lived with him - Najib, his son who is terrified of the water. His father considered him a wastrel, and he does spend most of his time and money on wine, women, cards, and song. Najib is good-humored and wisecracking, the polar opposite of his father, but on good terms with Talib.

Najib was named Harbormaster in Keltar's will, a turn of events that left Talib shocked - and Najib as well, once Loupin spilled the claim that Talib was the rightful heir.

Aaron is Keltar's eldest son, and was expected to inherit his title, and Alyssa his wild eldest daughter. Together, they were his favored children - until they both vanished.

His last three daughters, younger than all the others but Najib, have all sought to marry into other noble houses, and have no interest in the harbor.

Talib Islaran

Talib Islaran carries himself tall, always with a smile for his friends and a scowl for his foes. His arms bear a myriad of tattoos from Tashalar and beyond, being a living record of the vast miles he has crossed.

Once a member of the party, he left when his father was murdered and his brother named heir to his father's title.

Lady Lavinia Vanderboren

A minor Tashlutan noble who has requested the party's aid in finding her brother, Vanthus.


Vanthus Vanderboren

On the wall of the dining hall at Vanderboren Manor, there was a portrait of her brother.


Kora Whistlegap

One of her servants is Kora Whistlegap, a little old halfling woman.

Hired help

The Jade Ravens:

Tolin is a tall and handsome man dressed in an immaculate breastplate, and he carries a bastard sword.

Kaskus is a swarthy dwarf with a sour expression, dressed in green and brown robes, and carrying a large curved spear.

Liamae is an attractive but haughty-looking woman, dressed in dark purple robes. She has a tattoo of a crescent moon on one cheek.

Zan is a jaunty female half-elf dressed in leather armor, and armed with a half-dozen daggers of different shapes.

Lillia Imsato

            A dusky native of the Chultan peninsula, Lillia’s classic shape and clean features facilitate her adjusting her appearance to suit whatever a situation requires. When not performing, an innate grace and confident bearing accompany all of the typical motions of this young girl.
            Lillia Imsato was a native of Sasserine, trying to make her way in this chaotic world. The friendly, attractive seamstress was fair with her needle and thread, plying her trade where she could and taking contracted work from the larger establishments when able. Honest in her dealings with a keen eye for quality, Lillia could often be found hawking her wares in the Merchant District markets, though she called Azure District home.

            Lillia eventually grew paranoid about the machinations of the nobles in Tashluta, and left the party.


            Loupin's early life was marked by drudgery and mild but persistant deprivation, and she never quite achieved the size or robustness of her kind, although she did inherit a touch of natural elven grace. While she is colored like a Calishite, with earth-brown skin and long waving hair the color of chocolate, her eyes are noticably large and honey-colored, her angular face and body are slender almost to boniness, and her ears are visibly pointed. She does not seem particularly at ease with weapons, and in town bears nothing more dangerous than an ordinary dagger and a small, quiet parrot with soft gray plumage and dark, oddly watchful eyes.

Loupin was shaken by a visit from some thugs who tossed her room while searching for her, and left the party in the hopes that they would leave her alone in the future.

Reginald Brushcutter

Panache, presence, and perspective; Reginald carries the notable Brushcutter name onward to further adventures and accomplishments. A sterling example of his gnomish lineage, Reginald sees and experiences the world as it was meant to be; immersive and interesting and personal; though he truly would not fault his tallfellow friends their acclimated distance.

For all the eyes Reginald might draw, his companion jaguar Setoa padding protectively a pace aside and behind often prompted a contrasting intake of breath.


Very tall praying-mantis person with a sandy-brown chitinous exoskeleton.

Tal'chkit was a follower of Lavinia, but stopped going with the party after a short time for indecipherable, insectile reasons.


The proprietor of Orimander's Emporium of the Soul, and Loupin's mentor. A small-time wizard with a shop full of used books and minor magics.

Lady Rowyn Kellani, Guildmaster of the Lotus Dragons

A cruel and capricious Guildmaster, Lady Rowyn was the iron fist within the velvet glove to her guild of thieves. With her pet, Gut Tugger, she planned to take over the harbor of Tashluta.


In appearance at least, Priit-Klaatu is largely a typical thri-kreen. Pale green in complexion, on the higher side of average height for her species, and sporting the attendant thri-kreen distinctions of a carapaced body, four arms, and an insectoid head sporting compound eyes and a pair of twitching, alert antennae.

Priit-Klaatu was a captive of the Lotus Dragons, but only joined the party briefly against them before scurrying off on thri-kreen business.

Shefton Rosk,

A down-on-his-luck half-elven thief with messy black hair, ragged leather armor, and dirty hands. He offered the party a tip that Vanthus was on Parrot Island - or rather, in the ancient smuggler's tunnels under it.

Soller Vark

A rat-faced thug who employs other thugs, Vark claimed that Lavinia Vanderboren had never paid the fine she owed the Harbormaster, and had her ship moved out to be tethered to a float in the harbor.

His hired thugs include:

  • Three-tooth Sally, a middle-aged woman missing three teeth, who likes to chew tabac,
  • Gul, a brawny man with little skin that isn't tattooed,
  • Prettyboy, an ugly fellow,
  • Pickethead, with an unmistakably sharp nose,
  • Ketrana, a pretty but foul-mouthed woman,
  • Yarsa, a mean-spirited and skinny fellow with lank, dirty-blonde hair under a dull blue scarf, and a permanent sneer,
  • Pick-'em-up Rors, a dull-witted and bad-tempered man,
  • Finney Threelegs, an inexplicably named woman with a long brown braid down her back and strong B.O.,
  • Mera Veskat, a brawny Chultan woman who's always scowling.

  • The Second Cycle